Possibilitology: The Marketplace

Announcing Great News!
I am now a proud member of the Forbes Coaches Council. More details will follow soon.
Let’s Work Together!
What People Are Saying
Working with the Vallori has been exceptional! She really knows how to bring out the best in everyone who she comes across. She speaks from her soul and her words are powerful, encouraging and bring out nothing but the very best out of you. I highly recommend working with the Vallori to anyone who’s looking for consistent, soul moving, personal and professional change.
– Vanessa Coppes, BELLA New York Magazine
It is rare that we encounter human beings that touch our very ‘being’ the way Vallori does. Vallori’s ability to strike a chord from a place of passion, vulnerability, and love transforms everyone she meets. From the first time I heard Vallori speak her truth several years ago, to our multiple interactions since then, Vallori has always touched my spirit with gems of wisdom and nuggets of JOY that have truly helped me on my life journey.
-Kelli Richardson Lawson, CEO, JOY Collective
As the architect of Possibilitology, Vallori Thomas has led a great many individuals to experience powerful breakthroughs, changing their lives immediately and in the future. Whether you’re seeking to elevate your performance in business, seeking some aspect of your purpose, or you’re motivated by something in-between, Vallori’s “life perspective” — which she calls Possibilitology — will have you tap into reserves that you don’t even know that you have. And now she has put it all in print! I feel great joy knowing that this book is right on time for a world in need of her particular talent, voice, and perspective at this moment.
-Leslie Maxie, Olympian (1998)